DuoPro Monthly - wpDuo

JOIN wpDuo

Sign up to get started.

Put the power of a great website management team
behind your most critical digital asset.

Backed by a 30-day 100% Satisfaction Money-Back Guarantee


  • Unlimited 24/7
    Any single work request for your website that takes 1 hour or less to complete is considered a “Small Job” and eligible for your service plan. Examples might be publishing new content, adding code snippets to a website, reorganizing a menu, and more.
  • For larger or custom sites
  • Edits Done in 1 Business Day or Less
  • Priority 24/7 Support
  • Malware Removal
  • Speed Optimization (Page Speed Boost)
  • All 14 Standard Features


Switch to another plan?


If for any reason you don’t LOVE
your wpDuo service,
we’ll refund your payment
and help you with your next steps.

  • 1. Choose Plan
  • Billing info & Confirm

How would you like to pay?

DuoGrowth Annual

Annual subscription of $2689

Due Today:


DuoGrowth Monthly

monthly at $249 with 3 month commitment

Due Today:
