[PODCAST] Decoding Customer Stories
This week on Maker Marketing, I was excited to have the opportunity to sit down with Jack Wilson of Box Latch Products. We talked about a number of philosophies core to his product and customer strategy. All these lessons revolved around one major idea, and that’s this:
If you want to make something customers care about, care about their stories.
When we dive into the deep reasons behind a customer’s use of our product, they tell us what’s really important to them in their lives, and what drives their use of a product beyond the simple features. By doing so, we learn what resonates with them, and what really matters beyond the simple dollars-and-cents of a business transaction.
Thanks again to my guest, Jack Wilson, for sharing his immense passion for customer experience and innovation with me.
The Maker Marketing Podcast is a weekly show from Satellite Six, currently in its first season. This podcast is perfect for manufacturers who want to learn what’s working in marketing for businesses like theirs. New episodes every Friday!
Next week on the show: Last time I promised Rose-Marie Brandwein from the RAPID Institute – and her show is coming next week! Manufacturing Matters! 2019 bumped our timelines just slightly. But stay tuned for that episode, where we talk efficiency, sustainability, and positioning yourself as an agile enterprise.
I WANT TO HEAR FROM YOU! What did you think of this week’s show? How often are you getting feedback from your customers? Are there questions you want answered in the next MAKER MARKETING PODCAST? Let me know in the comments section below.
Thanks for listening, and all the best to your success!
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