8 Ways to Make a New Lead NEVER Unsubscribe
No one likes to be rejected. As a business trying to grow your email audience, it’s tempting to take an unsubscribe personally.
It may bring up all kinds of insecurities about your marketing skills.
But while some email unsubscribes are inevitable, it’s possible to turn your new leads into long-term readers.
With a few simple marketing strategies, you can reduce email unsubscribes once and for all.
How to reduce email unsubscribe rates
1. Always deliver awesome content
This is perhaps the most important rule, so it makes sense to put it first.
If the content is worth reading, then readers will want to keep receiving your emails.
Nothing compels a reader to hit the unsubscribe button faster than dull, boring, content that isn’t relevant.
Your focus should be on creating content that is engaging without being pushy or “salesy.” If your content is authentic and provides real value, your readers will stick around.
If they think all you want to do is sell to them, not so much.
2. It’s all about the subject lines
You could have the best content in the world, but if you can’t get people to open the email, it will never see the light of day.
Don’t overlook the importance of the subject line.
Many novice marketers have made the mistake of putting a ton of effort into the body of the email only to write a generic subject line. A fatal mistake.
Good email subject lines are short (4-5 words), personal (directed at the reader), and get to the point (why this is worth your time).
You want to make the subject line enticing enough that the receiver can’t help but open to find out more. This isn’t always easy, so take the time to think it through and put more impact in fewer words.
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3. Personalize your messages
Write your emails as if you’re speaking directly to the person on the other end. Using a person’s name will make you come across as friendly and trustworthy.
Your opt-in campaign should be capturing subscribers’ first names along with their email addresses. You can then set it up to automatically use the person’s name in the subject line and the body content.
This personalization will go a long way in customer engagement. It’s a nice touch that helps your emails stand out.
4. Be consistent with email frequency
There’s a delicate balance between sending too many emails and too few to be effective.
While there’s no magic number when it comes to frequency, the key is to be consistent. Tell your reader what they can expect with email frequency in the welcome email, and stick to that.
You can automate your emails to go out at the set intervals so readers always know when to expect you.
You can also poll your existing readers every so often to see if they are interested in more or less frequent content. If enough subscribers take the time to give you honest feedback, you’d be wise to listen to them.
5. Offer a variety of content
What else can you offer? If you’ve sent out 10 emails about the exact same topic, you can’t really blame someone for wanting to shut you up.
Strategize ways you can offer new and exciting types of content.
Also, play around with your content formatting. Try sending a video if you’ve never tried it. Throw in images to break up the text.
These methods will make your email marketing campaigns more interesting and keep your readers guessing.
6. Offer promotions and discounts
Sometimes you need to give if you want to receive. Your email subscribers offer you a lot of value. It just makes sense to give something back.
Treat your email readers to a special deal just for them, something non-subscribers can’t get.
This makes them feel like their subscription is worth more than just the information you send out. They’ll be hesitant to leave if they feel they may miss out on some good deals.
7. Optimize for all devices
If an email is messy, weirdly formatted, or doesn’t load properly, you’ll lose readers. These days, readers are more likely to check their email on a mobile device than a desktop or laptop computer.
Take careful consideration of mobile, tablet, and desktop users. Optimizing your emails for all devices is a smart strategy to keep more subscribers. Make sure readers get the optimal reading experience on whatever device they use.
8. Ask for feedback
If you do get some unsubscribe requests, be sure to ask why they’re leaving.
Have them answer a quick survey when they fill out the unsubscribe form. That information can be valuable for your future marketing efforts and keep others from leaving behind them.
Never underestimate the value of reader feedback. Though sometimes their critique may sting, don’t take it personally—it helps you improve. Thank them for their honesty and move on.
Summary: Reduce Those Unsubscribes
An effective email marketing campaign doesn’t have to be difficult to achieve.
But it takes more than just pumping out content and asking for sales. With a few tweaks to your strategy, you can reduce email unsubscribes and ensure your loyal readers never want to part ways.
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