11 Best Eau Claire Chamber of Commerce Events & Benefits You DON’T Want To Miss
The Eau Claire Chamber of Commerce is at the center of the Eau Claire business community. Their vision statement is that they will be the leader in the progressive development of the Chippewa Valley through the efforts of the business community.
An active Eau Claire Chamber of Commerce supports a growing business community and an active business community supports a growing Chamber of Commerce.
Whether you are a current member or considering joining the Eau Claire Chamber of Commerce for the first time, here are 11 of the best events, programs, and benefits they offer.
Leadership Eau Claire
Leadership Eau Claire is a nine-month community program where participants get to see a birds eye view of the issues and industries that make up Eau Claire.
The Leadership Eau Claire program begins with an overnight retreat which includes team building and leadership development. After that, the group has seven monthly sessions with a day-long program.
During each monthly session, there are leadership development programs as well as hands-on outings to visit community organizations and businesses and hear from community leaders.
Business After Hours
Business After Hours is a monthly networking event for Eau Claire Chamber of Commerce members. The event is hosted by a different business each month and has food and beverage available to participants. Admission is $5 for members and $10 non members and gives participants an opportunity to make business connections in a casual atmosphere. For more information visit Eau Claire Chamber events.
Chamber Bucks
The Eau Claire Chamber Bucks program is a program for both Chamber members and the community.
Chamber Bucks may be purchased directly from the Eau Claire Chamber of Commerce and they come in increments of $5, $10, $25, and $50 denominations. Chamber Bucks can then be used to purchase products or services from over 400 Eau Claire Chamber of Commerce members.
If your business would like to be able to receive Chamber Bucks, become a Chamber of Commerce member here.
Breakfast in the Valley
Every year, the Eau Claire Chamber of Commerce hosts Breakfast in the Valley to celebrate the role of agriculture in the Eau Claire economy and community.
It always takes place on the second Friday in June (Dairy Month) and happens at the Eau Claire Expo Center.
The breakfast in the valley includes eggs, muffins, cheese curds, ice cream, milk, fruit, and a free commemorative mug.
The event also includes agriculture and business displays, milk drinking contests, tractor displays, agricultural awards, and tons of prizes.
Young Professionals of the Chippewa Valley
YPCV is a group within the Eau Claire Chamber of Commerce for young professionals ages 21-40. It centers around personal and professional development and includes several events throughout the year such as a golf outing, networking events, fundraisers, educational seminars, and other community involvement activities.
Eau Claire Chamber of Commerce Seminars and Conferences
The Eau Claire Chamber of Commerce has several seminars and conferences throughout the year. These events support the professional development of various professions for the Eau Claire business community.
Eau Claire Social Media & Marketing Conference
The Eau Claire Social Media & Marketing Conference takes place during the fall. It is a 1-2 day event that showcases marketing topics such as social media, web design, advertising, analytics, video production, and much more. Attendees have the opportunity to learn about effective strategies through general sessions and specialized breakout sessions.
Human Resources Conference
The Eau Claire Human Resources Conference takes place during the spring and presents topics of interest to human resource professionals, small business, and managers. Presenters give attendees valuable resources on latest trends, initiatives, and practices to support human resource development.
Sales Conference
The Chamber’s Sales Conference takes place during the winter and provides seminars and workshops to support sales professionals. Attendees hear speakers sharing information on sales strategies and ideas to increase sales performance. This conference gives new and experienced sales professionals tips and best practices they need to grow professionally.
Chippewa Valley Rally
In order to represent the voices of Chippewa Valley businesses and organizations the three Chambers of Commerce from Eau Claire, Menomonie, and Chippewa Falls host the annual Chippewa Valley Rally.
The Chippewa Valley Rally is a day of advocacy that takes place at the Wisconsin capitol in Madison in order to strengthen relationships with state legislators and network with business leaders.
To have the highest impact, small groups of 3-5 Chippewa Valley Rally members visit legislators with pre-arranged meetings to bring legislative attention to several areas of the business community.
Eau Claire Chamber of Commerce Event Sponsorships
Eau Claire Chamber of Commerce members are eligible to sponsor a wide variety of chamber programs and events. Business sponsorship provide support to Chamber programs as well as marketing value and brand awareness for business sponsors.
Several bonus opportunities are available through the Partner Packages for businesses who sponsor Eau Claire Chamber of Commerce programs at various levels form $1,000 – $10,000 annually. Depending on your marketing goals, there are several areas of programming to sponsor from advocacy to business development to community development and workforce development.
Downtown Wellness Walk
The Eau Claire Downtown Wellness Walk is a business community event that revolves around wellness and outdoor activities. Participants can enjoy the beauty of downtown Eau Claire, the Eau Claire Sculpture Tour, trails, and more.
It is a free event open to anybody and participants can start whenever they’d like during the event. There are prizes, business booths, and a short distance walk or a long distance walk with signage guiding participants.
Business at the Gardens
Business at the Gardens is a new event of the Eau Claire Chamber of Commerce. It takes at the Florian Gardens and includes business exhibitors showcasing their products and services at the largest B2B networking event in the Chippewa Valley.
Chamber businesses can enjoy networking, prize giveaways, drinks, and hors d’oeuvres.
Business Salutes Eau Claire
The Eau Claire Chamber of Commerce hosts the annual Business Salutes Eau Claire golf outing. It is a networking opportunity for Chamber members and includes a day of golf, prizes, on course games, awards, and more.
Business Salutes Eau Claire is a 5-person golf scramble where teams can choose either a morning or afternoon round of 18-holes of golf. There is a contintental breakfast available for morning golfers, a buffet lunch, and a buffet dinner for participants.
An Active Eau Claire Chamber of Commerce
What makes the Eau Claire Chamber of Commerce is an active business community and active members. If you’re looking to connect with other businesses or professionals, consider participating in one of the above Chamber events and programs.
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