Should You Hide Your Pricing On Your Website?
Transparency builds trust.
If you want to build trust with your customers, you need to be transparent, and this means not hiding anything from them.
The first interaction most of your customers will have with your business will be on your website, and so that’s the first place you need to be transparent.
One of the most important aspects of your business that you should be transparent about with your customers is your pricing.
So, if you’re wondering how to put a price on your product, and how to show that price to your potential customers in the right way, check out our tips below.
Why does transparency matter?
Transparency within the world of business is like transparency within all walks of life. Transparency involves being open about yourself, or in this case about your business.
People like when businesses lay their cards out on the table, so they know what they’re getting into before they spend any money.
It helps to build trust from the very beginning, and like we said in the first paragraph, the most important place to be transparent is your website.
If you can build trust with your potential customers on your website, it will make it much easier to strengthen those relationships later down the line.
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Why you shouldn’t hide your pricing on your website
One of the most important deciding factors when buying anything is the price. While the quality of the product or service obviously needs to be up to a certain standard, often the defining factor when choosing between different services is the price.
So, if you don’t tell your customers your price when they first arrive on your website, the chances are high that they’ll just move on to find someone who does.
You need to stand out from the rest
Your potential customers are most likely doing a lot of research before they buy what you are selling.
This means they’re checking our lots of other businesses offering the same things, and if you don’t tell them your prices, they’ll go find someone else that is very quickly.
Thus, hiding your prices on your website is a quick way to turn customers away from you quite early on.
With budget being a massive component of any purchase, you need to at least show your customers what they need to pay to get your services.
How to put a price on your product
If you have fixed pricing, then this should be shown explicitly on its own page of your website. You should have a big “Pricing” button at the top of the screen on every page, showing them that’s where to go to find out how much you charge. It needs to be as easy as possible for your customers to find your pricing.
But even if you don’t have fixed pricing, you can still use this page to let them know what kind of price ranges your services come under. Offering something rather than nothing is definitely key here, so be sure to show some kind of pricing.
Your customers want transparency, so make sure you give it to them right away by showing your prices on your website.
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