
Your Brand: An Iceberg

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Branding is all about understanding the deep, nuanced ways in which it is designed and planned to resonate with your audience. Check out this infographic that demonstrates all the factors that make up top brands. You might be surprised at all that’s below the surface! Click to Enlarge: The Brand Iceberg So much about branding […]

Stop Spaghetti Marketing!

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There’s a right way and a wrong way to market your business effectively. At its best, marketing ignites the interest of your audience, communicates your core brand values, and demonstrates why you are a better fit for the customer than your competition. At its worst, it’s an expenditure that constantly falls flat and fails to […]

Metamorphosis 2018

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Hi there, and let me be the first to say, thanks for visiting our new website. Creative business and marketing is an iterative process. We learn by doing. As we expand our capabilities and offer new services to our clients, we learn from feedback how to adapt to a changing marketplace. I started Satellite Six […]

AdWords Ad Copy: Best Practices

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Ah, the mysterious world of Google AdWords. Frightening first initial thoughts of setting up and managing a Pay Per Click (PPC) campaign aside, there are a number of incredible benefits to using a Search Engine Marketing (SEM) platform, which include driving traffic to your website, growing your email list, and more importantly, increasing sales. That […]

7 Keys to Digital Marketing in 2017

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It’s time to look ahead for your business’s marketing efforts. After years of rapid growth, 2016 was the year digital marketing spending finally passed TV and more traditional marketing approaches. The benefits are well-known; not only is it where more and more audiences are consuming content and spending time, but it’s an entirely trackable, metrics-driven […]